196: Time Travel?

12/01/2225 21 minutes

Are we for real? Did Simon actually do some time traveling? Let's find out by asking him tons of questions! Where to? When to? And how did he get the sun glasses? We'll find out how he has been getting around (or not), how he has been buying things (or not) and who he has been talking to (or not). And, we end with a time travelling joke!

To confirm this episode went back in time, please email michaellasagna5@gmail.com with the episode number in the subject line. We may even respond to your message in a future episode!


  • 00:00 - Hello

  • 00:24 - Introduction

  • 01:29 - Time Travel

  • 19:16 - Listener Email From Amrat

  • 20:55 - Outroduction

  • 21:26 - Goodbye


  • Theme Music: Over 100 Jaar by Klein Orkest

  • Almost Everything Else: Simon & Dirk


197: Live from the 21st Century


195: Moustarrow