174: Alien Immigration
11/08/2224 14 minutes
We actually wanted to talk some more about Globust Engines, but the news catches up with us. After Dirk noticed many Partians along the river on his way to Simon, we try to figure out what's going on, live on the show. As it turns out, Partians are relocating to Earth for the moment, while they sort out a few galactic challenges back home. We check out the cams and report what we see, and what we hear, and then we end early to go help out.
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00:00 - Hello
00:24 - Introduction
02:01 - Alien Immigration
14:12 - Outroduction
14:29 - Goodbye
Opening Theme: Over 100 Jaar by Klein Orkest
Closing Theme: Het Goede Doel by België
Almost Everything Else: Simon & Dirk